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Returns a tibble listing an opinionated set of abbreviations commonly used when writing R code. It can be used as a reference, for example, to check availability/consistency when considering using some abbreviation in a function or argument name.


abbrs(unnest = FALSE)



Whether to unnest the full_expression column and return the data in long format. If FALSE, a "nested" list column full_expressions will be returned, meaning the values in column abbreviation will be unique.


A tibble.


To avoid the list getting excessively long and redundant, the main focus is on verbs and nouns. Adjectives and adverbs are only listed in column full_expression when there's not already a verb or noun with the same root word listed for a particular abbreviation. That means that e.g. the abbreviation "seq" could also stand for the full expressions "sequential" or "sequentially", despite the fact that it is not explicitly listed but merely the verb/noun "sequence" is.


pkgsnip::abbrs(unnest = TRUE) |> print(n = Inf)
#> # A tibble: 251 × 2
#>     full_expression     abbreviation
#>     <chr>               <chr>       
#>   1 abbreviate          abbr        
#>   2 abbreviation        abbr        
#>   3 abbreviations       abbrs       
#>   4 absolute            abs         
#>   5 argument            arg         
#>   6 arguments           args        
#>   7 attribute           attr        
#>   8 attributes          attrs       
#>   9 authenticate        auth        
#>  10 authentication      auth        
#>  11 authentications     auths       
#>  12 auxiliary           aux         
#>  13 background          bg          
#>  14 bibliography        bib         
#>  15 bibliographies      bibs        
#>  16 certificate         cert        
#>  17 certification       cert        
#>  18 certificates        certs       
#>  19 certifications      certs       
#>  20 chapter             chpt        
#>  21 chapters            chpts       
#>  22 character           chr         
#>  23 characters          chrs        
#>  24 column              col         
#>  25 columns             cols        
#>  26 command             cmd         
#>  27 commands            cmds        
#>  28 combination         combo       
#>  29 combinations        combos      
#>  30 condition           cnd         
#>  31 conditions          cnds        
#>  32 configure           config      
#>  33 configuration       config      
#>  34 configurations      configs     
#>  35 current             cur         
#>  36 database            db          
#>  37 dataframe           df          
#>  38 dataframes          dfs         
#>  39 dataframe column    dfc         
#>  40 dataframe row       dfr         
#>  41 define              def         
#>  42 definition          def         
#>  43 definitions         defs        
#>  44 delete              del         
#>  45 deletion            del         
#>  46 deletions           dels        
#>  47 depend              dep         
#>  48 dependency          dep         
#>  49 dependencies        deps        
#>  50 develop             dev         
#>  51 development         dev         
#>  52 developer           dev         
#>  53 developments        devs        
#>  54 developers          devs        
#>  55 dictionary          dict        
#>  56 dictionaries        dicts       
#>  57 differentiate       diff        
#>  58 difference          diff        
#>  59 differences         diffs       
#>  60 directory           dir         
#>  61 directories         dirs        
#>  62 distribution        distro      
#>  63 distributions       distros     
#>  64 document            doc         
#>  65 documents           docs        
#>  66 double              dbl         
#>  67 doubles             dbls        
#>  68 duplicate           dupl        
#>  69 duplication         dupl        
#>  70 duplicates          dupls       
#>  71 duplications        dupls       
#>  72 dynamic             dyn         
#>  73 element             el          
#>  74 elements            els         
#>  75 enumerate           enum        
#>  76 enumeration         enum        
#>  77 enumerations        enums       
#>  78 environment         env         
#>  79 environments        envs        
#>  80 evaluate            eval        
#>  81 evaluation          eval        
#>  82 evaluations         evals       
#>  83 execute             exec        
#>  84 execution           exec        
#>  85 executions          execs       
#>  86 exclude             excl        
#>  87 exclusion           excl        
#>  88 expression          expr        
#>  89 expressions         exprs       
#>  90 factor              fct         
#>  91 factors             fcts        
#>  92 figure              fig         
#>  93 figures             figs        
#>  94 filesystem          fs          
#>  95 foreign key         fk          
#>  96 foreign keys        fks         
#>  97 formula             fm          
#>  98 formulas            fms         
#>  99 formulae            fms         
#> 100 frequent            freq        
#> 101 frequency           freq        
#> 102 frequencies         freqs       
#> 103 function            fn          
#> 104 functions           fns         
#> 105 generate            gen         
#> 106 generation          gen         
#> 107 generations         gens        
#> 108 identify            id          
#> 109 identifier          id          
#> 110 identifiers         ids         
#> 111 image               img         
#> 112 images              imgs        
#> 113 include             incl        
#> 114 inclusion           incl        
#> 115 index               i           
#> 116 indexes             ix          
#> 117 indices             ix          
#> 118 information         info        
#> 119 initialize          init        
#> 120 initialization      init        
#> 121 install             instl       
#> 122 installation        instl       
#> 123 integer             int         
#> 124 integers            ints        
#> 125 iterate             itr         
#> 126 iteration           itr         
#> 127 iterator            itr         
#> 128 iterations          itrs        
#> 129 iterators           itrs        
#> 130 label               lbl         
#> 131 labels              lbls        
#> 132 language            lang        
#> 133 languages           langs       
#> 134 left-hand side      lhs         
#> 135 level               lvl         
#> 136 levels              lvls        
#> 137 library             lib         
#> 138 libraries           libs        
#> 139 limit               lim         
#> 140 limits              lims        
#> 141 list                ls          
#> 142 logical             lgl         
#> 143 logicals            lgls        
#> 144 management          mgmt        
#> 145 Markdown            md          
#> 146 message             msg         
#> 147 messages            msgs        
#> 148 modify              mod         
#> 149 modification        mod         
#> 150 modifications       mods        
#> 151 not available       na          
#> 152 not a number        nan         
#> 153 number              nr          
#> 154 numbers             nrs         
#> 155 number of           n           
#> 156 numeric             num         
#> 157 numerics            nums        
#> 158 object              obj         
#> 159 objects             objs        
#> 160 operate             op          
#> 161 operation           op          
#> 162 operator            op          
#> 163 operations          ops         
#> 164 operators           ops         
#> 165 option              opt         
#> 166 options             opts        
#> 167 package             pkg         
#> 168 packages            pkgs        
#> 169 parameterize        param       
#> 170 parameter           param       
#> 171 parameters          params      
#> 172 position            pos         
#> 173 PostgreSQL          pg          
#> 174 predicate           pred        
#> 175 predicates          preds       
#> 176 preparation         prep        
#> 177 preparations        preps       
#> 178 primary key         pk          
#> 179 primary keys        pks         
#> 180 proceed             prcd        
#> 181 procedure           prcd        
#> 182 procedures          prcds       
#> 183 property            prop        
#> 184 properties          props       
#> 185 prototype           ptype       
#> 186 prototypes          ptypes      
#> 187 Quarto Markdown     qmd         
#> 188 question            qstn        
#> 189 questions           qstns       
#> 190 questionnaire       qstnr       
#> 191 questionnaires      qstnrs      
#> 192 R Markdown          rmd         
#> 193 refer               ref         
#> 194 reference           ref         
#> 195 references          refs        
#> 196 referendum          rfrnd       
#> 197 referendums         rfrnds      
#> 198 referenda           rfrnds      
#> 199 regular expression  regex       
#> 200 regular expressions regex       
#> 201 relative            rel         
#> 202 remove              rm          
#> 203 removal             rm          
#> 204 repository          repo        
#> 205 repositories        repos       
#> 206 request             req         
#> 207 requests            reqs        
#> 208 respond             resp        
#> 209 response            resp        
#> 210 responses           resps       
#> 211 right-hand side     rhs         
#> 212 roxygen2            roxy        
#> 213 separate            sep         
#> 214 separator           sep         
#> 215 separators          seps        
#> 216 sequence            seq         
#> 217 sequences           seqs        
#> 218 snippet             snip        
#> 219 snippets            snips       
#> 220 source              src         
#> 221 sources             srcs        
#> 222 specify             spec        
#> 223 specification       spec        
#> 224 specifications      specs       
#> 225 string              str         
#> 226 strings             strs        
#> 227 structure           struct      
#> 228 structures          structs     
#> 229 supplemental        suppl       
#> 230 supplementary       suppl       
#> 231 symbolize           sym         
#> 232 symbol              sym         
#> 233 symbols             syms        
#> 234 tabulate            tbl         
#> 235 table               tbl         
#> 236 tables              tbls        
#> 237 template            tpl         
#> 238 templates           tpls        
#> 239 temporary           tmp         
#> 240 user interface      ui          
#> 241 value               val         
#> 242 values              vals        
#> 243 variable            var         
#> 244 variables           vars        
#> 245 vectorize           vctr        
#> 246 vector              vctr        
#> 247 vectors             vctrs       
#> 248 verbatim            verb        
#> 249 version             vrsn        
#> 250 versions            vrsns       
#> 251 working directory   wd