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In the following, an overview is given of what’s included in this package.

R Markdown file snippets

The (R) Markdown file snippets can be used anywhere (R) Markdown input is supported. For example, you can use them as input to knitr’s child document option:

```{r, child = pkgsnip::snip_path("pkg-instl-dev-gitlab.Rmd")}

When inserting snippets that require the name of the calling package like "pkg-instl-dev-gitlab.Rmd", you should either use pal::build_readme() to build the .Rmd file or manually assign pkg_metadata <- pal::desc_list() to the environment passed to devtools::build_rmd() or its ... argument respectively.

You can also use the snippets in roxygen2’s @includeRmd tag:

#' @includeRmd `r pkgsnip::snip_path("pkgpurl.Rmd")`

For snippets that require the name of the calling package, just assign pkg_metadata (once) before inserting the snippet(s), e.g. like this:

#' `r pkg_metadata <- pal::desc_list()`
#' @includeRmd `r pkgsnip::snip_path("pkg-instl-dev.Rmd")`

Available snippets

Currently, the following R Markdown file snippets are included:

Markdown snippets

The Markdown snippets basically serve the same purpose as the R Markdown file snippets above, but are geared towards shorter content and their semantics slightly differ. They support glue’s string interpolation via curly braces, i.e. embedded R code allows for dynamic content.

The snippets can be used in roxygen2 documentation via inline R code as follows:

#' Awesome function title
#' Awesome function description.
#' `r pkgsnip::md_snip("rstudio_addin")`

which will result in

#' Awesome function title
#' Awesome function description.
#' This function is registered as an [RStudio add-in](, allowing RStudio users to assign a [custom shortcut]( to it and to invoke it from the [command palette](

Available snippets

Currently, the following Markdown snippets are included:

id value
opt_global_max_cache_age Maximal timespan to preserve the package's [pkgpins]( cache. Cache entries older than this will be deleted upon package loading.
pkg_config Some of { pkg }'s functionality is controlled via package-specific global configuration which can either be set via [R options]( or [environment variables]( (the former take precedence). This configuration includes:
pkg_required To be able to use this function, the package '{ pkg }' is required but it is not installed. Please install it and then try again.
pkg_usage { pkg_intro_vignette <- stringr::str_replace_all(desc::desc_get_field('Package'), '\\.', '-'); if (fs::file_exists(fs::path('vignettes', pkg_intro_vignette, ext = 'Rmd'))) paste0('An introduction to this package is given [here](articles/', pkg_intro_vignette, '.html). ') else '' }The (function) reference is found [here](reference).
pkgdown_site The documentation of this package is found [here]({ ''; pkgdown::as_pkgdown()$meta$url }).
rstudio_addin This function is registered as an [RStudio add-in](, allowing RStudio users to assign a [custom shortcut]( to it and to invoke it from the [command palette](

roxygen2 tag labels

The roxygen2 tag labels are specifically meant for @-tag-based documentation using inline R code.

Insert them in your functions using inline R code, e.g. as follows

#' @param use_cache `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("use_cache")`
#' @param max_cache_age `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("max_cache_age")`
#' @return `r pkgsnip::return_lbl("tibble")`

which will result in

#' @param use_cache Whether or not to return cached results if possible. If `FALSE`, results are always newly fetched regardless of `max_cache_age`.
#' @param max_cache_age Duration after which cached results are refreshed (i.e. newly fetched). A valid [lubridate duration][lubridate::as.duration]. Use `Inf` to disable cache expiry. Only relevant if `use_cache = TRUE`.
#' @return A [tibble][tibble::tbl_df].

Common abbreviations

Finally, there’s a table included that lists an (opinionated) set of abbreviations commonly used when writing R code. It might come in handy as a reference, for example, to check availability when considering using some abbreviation in a function or argument name.

The table can be retrieved by calling pkgsnip::abbrs() and currently looks as follows (click to expand):

full_expressions abbreviation
abbreviate, abbreviation abbr
abbreviations abbrs
absolute abs
argument arg
arguments args
attribute attr
attributes attrs
authenticate, authentication auth
authentications auths
auxiliary aux
background bg
back up kbp
backup bkp
bibliography bib
bibliographies bibs
certify, certificate, certification cert
certificates, certifications certs
chapter chpt
chapters chpts
character chr
characters chrs
column col
columns cols
command cmd
commands cmds
combination combo
combinations combos
condition cnd
conditions cnds
configure, configuration config
configurations configs
connection conn
connections conns
current cur
database db
dataframe df
dataframes dfs
dataframe column dfc
dataframe row dfr
define, definition def
definitions defs
delete, deletion del
deletions dels
depend, dependency dep
dependencies deps
develop, development, developer dev
developments, developers devs
dictionary dict
dictionaries dicts
differentiate, difference diff
differences diffs
directory dir
directories dirs
distribution distro
distributions distros
document doc
documents docs
double dbl
doubles dbls
duplicate, duplication dupl
duplicates, duplications dupls
dynamic dyn
element el
elements els
enumerate, enumeration enum
enumerations enums
environment env
environments envs
evaluate, evaluation eval
evaluations evals
execute, execution exec
executions execs
exclude, exclusion excl
expression expr
expressions exprs
extend, extension ext
extensions exts
factor fct
factors fcts
figure fig
figures figs
filesystem fs
foreign key fk
foreign keys fks
formula fm
formulas, formulae fms
frequent, frequency freq
frequencies freqs
function fn
functions fns
generate, generation gen
generations gens
identify, identifier id
identifiers ids
image img
images imgs
include, inclusion incl
index i
indexes, indices ix
information info
initialize, initialization init
install, installation instl
integer int
integers ints
iterate, iteration, iterator itr
iterations, iterators itrs
label lbl
labels lbls
language lang
languages langs
left-hand side lhs
level lvl
levels lvls
library lib
libraries libs
limit lim
limits lims
list ls
logical lgl
logicals lgls
management mgmt
Markdown md
matrix mat
matrices mats
message msg
messages msgs
modify, modification mod
modifications mods
not available na
not a number nan
number nr
numbers nrs
number of n
numeric num
numerics nums
object obj
objects objs
operate, operation, operator op
operations, operators ops
option opt
options opts
organize, organization org
organizations orgs
package pkg
packages pkgs
parameterize, parameter param
parameters params
position pos
PostgreSQL pg
predicate pred
predicates preds
prepare, preparation prep
preparations preps
primary key pk
primary keys pks
proceed, procedure prcd
procedures prcds
projection, project proj
projections, projects projs
property prop
properties props
prototype ptype
prototypes ptypes
Quarto Markdown qmd
question qstn
questions qstns
questionnaire qstnr
questionnaires qstnrs
R Markdown rmd
refer, reference ref
references refs
referendum rfrnd
referendums, referenda rfrnds
regular expression, regular expressions regex
relative rel
remove, removal rm
repository repo
repositories repos
request req
requests reqs
respond, response resp
responses resps
right-hand side rhs
roxygen2 roxy
separate, separator sep
separators seps
sequence seq
sequences seqs
snippet snip
snippets snips
source src
sources srcs
specify, specification spec
specifications specs
string str
strings strs
structure struct
structures structs
supplement, supplemental, supplementary suppl
symbolize, symbol sym
symbols syms
tabulate, table tbl
tables tbls
template tpl
templates tpls
temporary tmp
user interface ui
user experience ux
value val
values vals
variable var
variables vars
vectorize, vector vctr
vectors vctrs
verbatim verb
version vrsn
versions vrsns
working directory wd