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A tibble with all Markdown snippets together with their id. The latter can be fed to md_snip().




A tibble with the columns id and value.

See also

Markdown snippet functions md_snip()


#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   id                       value                                                                                                                                
#>   <chr>                    <chr>                                                                                                                                
#> 1 opt_global_max_cache_age "Maximal timespan to preserve the package's [pkgpins]( cache. Cache entries older than this will be delete…
#> 2 pkg_config               "Some of { pkg }'s functionality is controlled via package-specific global configuration which can either be set via [R options](htt…
#> 3 pkg_required             "To be able to use this function, the package '{ pkg }' is required but it is not installed. Please install it and then try again."  
#> 4 pkg_usage                "{ pkg_intro_vignette <- stringr::str_replace_all(desc::desc_get_field('Package'), '\\\\.', '-'); if (fs::file_exists(fs::path('vign…
#> 5 pkgdown_site             "The documentation of this package is found [here]({ ''; pkgdown::as_pkgdown()$meta$url })."                                         
#> 6 rstudio_addin            "This function is registered as an [RStudio add-in](, allowing RStudio users to assign a [c…