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A tibble with all Markdown snippets together with their type and id. The latter can be fed to md_snip().




A tibble with the columns id and value.

See also

roxygen2 label functions data_types, description_lbl(), param_lbl(), return_lbl(), roxy_lbl(), roxy_lbls(), title_lbl(), type()


#> # A tibble: 37 × 3
#>    id                 type    value                                                                                                         
#>    <chr>              <chr>   <chr>                                                                                                         
#>  1 cli_markup_support default "supports cli's [inline markup][cli::inline-markup]"                                                          
#>  2 date               default "a [date][base::Date]"                                                                                        
#>  3 dates              default "a vector of [dates][base::Date]"                                                                             
#>  4 datetime           default "a [datetime][base::DateTimeClasses]"                                                                         
#>  5 datetimes          default "a vector of [datetimes][base::DateTimeClasses]"                                                              
#>  6 dbi_connection     default "an S4 object that inherits from [`DBI::DBIConnection`][DBI::DBIConnection-class]"                            
#>  7 df_or_tibble       default "a data frame, [tibble][tibble::tbl_df] or tibble extension like [`dbplyr::tbl_lazy`]"                        
#>  8 dm                 default "a [data model][dm::dm] object"                                                                               
#>  9 dyn_dots_support   default "[dynamic dots][rlang::dyn-dots] are supported"                                                               
#> 10 end_date           default "end of the period the data covers. A [date][base::Date] or a character scalar in the format `\"YYYY-MM-DD\"`"
#> # ℹ 27 more rows